Feeling like you’re never going to sleep again? Exhausted to the point that you don’t even know what day it is or how you’ll get through it? Are you out of the driver’s seat on your child’s sleep journey even though you think you’ve tried it all?

Struggling with nighttime wake ups, bedtime battles, early rising, transitions and nap troubles is so hard.

You are not alone! And we can fix this. There is a light at the end of that dark tunnel – I promise. Sleep isn’t a luxury or something you have to forfeit as a parent. Sleep can and will get better with a little knowledge, guidance, and support – and quickly!

The last thing your exhausted brain needs right now is to sift through an overwhelming amount of contradictory information out there on sleep. Let me do the legwork for you, combining the science of sleep with the heart of a mama who has been there.

I work with parents who desperately need help getting their little ones to sleep. I build a customized plan that works for your family, and support and cheer you on every step of the way. I believe in the philosophy that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach — each family is beautifully unique. I work with you to make sure our plan reflects your comfort level and parenting style, in addition to the biological needs of your child.

Sleep is just around the corner – you’re so close.

Let’s start this journey together today so you can sleep better tomorrow!

Expectant/Newborn Package

This package is designed to guide parents on the path to healthy sleep for their little ones right from the start. Perfect for new parents (with a baby under months) or expectant parents.

This package includes:

60 minute phone, Skype, or FaceTime consultation (to discuss safe sleep, newborn sleep rhythms, and how to set up a healthy sleep foundation for your newborn or infant)
Newborn sleep guide
2 follow up email exchanges to be used before 4 months of age
15 minute follow up call at 4 months

This package makes a great baby shower gift!

$175 CAD
Virtual Coaching Packages

This package is great for families anywhere around the world, where distance or time may be an issue. For children 4 months and older.

This package includes:

Detailed Sleep Assessment (review of comprehensive intake form)
One 60-90 minute phone, Skype, or FaceTime sleep consultation (to discuss the science behind sleep, healthy sleep foundations, establish sleep goals, and form a plan to achieve them)
Fully Customized Sleep Plan (within 24-48 
hours of our consultation)
Personalized Daily Sleep Log (track bedtime,
 naps, feedings, and wakings)
• Two follow-up calls (15 minutes each)
Daily email exchange to discuss progress and Sleep Log (7 days or 14 days, 2-3 responses per day)
Looking Ahead Sleep Guide (what to expect, sleep tips for travelling, navigating transitions, illnesses, etc.)

One Week Package

$275 CAD

Two Week Package

$450 CAD

In-Home Coaching Packages

This package is perfect for families who want to meet in the comfort of their own home and have the added bonus of a nursery walk-through and assessment. For children 4 months and older.

This package includes:

Detailed Sleep Assessment (review of comprehensive intake form)
One 60-90 minute in-person sleep consultation (to discuss the science behind sleep, healthy sleep foundations, establish sleep goals, and form a plan to achieve them)
Nursery Walk-Through (to ensure a healthy and safe sleep environment)
Fully Customized Sleep Plan (within 24-48 hours of our consultation)
Personalized Daily Sleep Log (track bedtime, naps, feedings, and wakings)
Two follow-up calls (15 minutes each)
Daily email exchange to discuss progress and Sleep Log (7 days or 14 days, 2-3 responses per day)
Looking Ahead Sleep Guide (what to expect, sleep tips for travelling, navigating transitions, illnesses, etc.)

One Week Package

$350 CAD

Two Week Package

$525 CAD


Need to talk it through a little more to see if it's a good fit? Let’s chat today, so you can sleep better tomorrow.

Book a Free Call Here
